Attorney Eliyahu Bentovim

Born in Israel. Member of the Israel Bar Association since 1971. Notary.
- 1971 – LL.M. from the London School of Economics & Political Science.
- 1969 – LL.B. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- The Israel Bar Association
- The Association of Labor and Social Security Law.
- The Association of Public Law (member of the management and honorary treasurer).
- The Association of Law and Medicine.
- 2011-2013: Chairman of the Academic Center for Law and Business and Administration.
- 1995-2008: A member of the Managing Committee and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Hebrew University.
Chairman of the Chamber of Law Faculty Graduates of the Hebrew University .
- 1995-1998: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Advanced Study Fund for Jurists Ltd.
- 1983-1994: Member of the Council of the Israel Bar Association
- 1983-1994: "Chairman of the Internship Committee of the Israel Bar Association – the introduction of written examinations.
- 1990-1991: יChairman of the Committee for Law Colleges – approval of licensing the law faculty of the College of Management.
- 1983-1991: Member of the Central Committee of the Israel Bar Association.
- 1981-1983: Chairman of the Organization of State Attorneys – established the status of the Organization of State Attorneys as an independent, representative organization and established the rights of the state attorneys in Tsaddock Arbitration.
- 1972-1988: The Ministry of Justice – in his last position (1984 – 1988), he served as Director of the Department of Labor Disputes at the State Attorney's Office. .
- 1977-1982: The Israel CPA Council – examined and coordinated the examinations of CPAs in legal subjects.
- 1965-1970: Ministry of Finance – Chief Assistant to the Director of State Revenues and the Director of Compulsory Savings. Public Positions and Memberships of Public Committees, Appointed on Behalf of the Government and/or Government Ministers (the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Religious Affairs):
- From 1994: Chairman of the Association of Friends of the Biblical Zoo.
- 1978-1991: Member of the presidency and the management of the Israel Tennis Association – the establishment of the Jerusalem Tennis Center .
- From 1991: Member of the Supreme Tribunal - the Israel Tennis Association.
- From 1962: Service in the Israel Defense Forces, initially in the standing army and subsequently in the reserve forces. Currently holds the rank of Colonel.
The Zuckerman Committee (1997) - The privatization of the Israel Broadcasting Authority;
The Friedman Committee (1996) - The examination of the criteria for allocations at the Ministry of Religious Affairs;
The Reichman Committee (1995) - The profession of land appraisal.
Academic Activity
- 2002 – 1997: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - lecturer in labor laws and public employees' laws.
- 1980: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - lecturer in taxation.
- 1976 – 1978: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - instructor of Moot Court course.
- 1976: The College of Management, lecturer in the Foundations of General and Commercial Law, labor laws, corporate and securities laws.
- 1972: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Research assistant, tax laws.
- Bentovim E., and Pasternak M., "The Checks Without Cover Law: Granting Governmental Power and Discretion to Banks, in a Situation of a Conflict of Interests and Without Appropriate Control", Mishpat VeMimshal, Vol. F (2001), p. 199 (Haifa University – the Mishpat VeMimshal periodical).
- Bentovim E., and Pasternak M., "Withholding Wages Laws – The Need for Reform", Hapraklit, Vol. 44, (1991), p. 483 (The Israel Bar Association – the Hapraklit periodical).
- Bentovim E., "Location of Employment Income for Tax Purposes", Mishpatim, Vol. A (1970), p. 611.
- In the press: 1988 – 2000 Articles on various subjects (professional and public).
Key Judgments During the Period of Bentovim's Service in the State Attorney's Office:
- The Koka Case in the High Court of Justice (1988) - the conviction of the Chairman of the Workers' Union under disciplinary law, due to a wildcat strike.
- The Vaknin Case in the High Court of Justice (1987) - the invasion of a person's body, while violating his privacy - the laws of evidence.
- Civil Servants' Union in the High Court of Justice (1986) - the approval of the State's right as an employer to downsize the work force and outsource the work to contractors.
- The General Security Service Affair (1986) - the petition of three suspended officers of the General Security Service (known by its Hebrew acronym Shabak or Shin-Beth) (in the wake of the Bus 300 Affair) for their reinstatement at work.
- The Chativ Case in the High Court of Justice (1985) - the dismissal of the teachers in the Golan Heights after they went on strike, following the enactment of the Golan Heights Law - a political strike and the criteria of supervision and intervention which the High Court of Justice imposes on the Labor Court .
- Yellow Pages Case in the High Court of (1980) - the extension of the advertising franchise for Broadcast Advertising Services with the Israel Broadcasting Authority – the cause of extreme unreasonableness as a cause for intervention in the act of administration.
- In the course of his work at the Jerusalem District Attorney's Office and at the State Attorney's Office, Attorney Bentovim handled trials concerning the expropriation of land in Jerusalem (following the Six Day War) and compensation in respect of the expropriated land.